SETI MultiSpy v.1.10

[What is SETI MultiSpy]  [How to use the program]  [Download]

What is SETI MultiSpy

SETI MultiSpy - FREEWARE - is a very useful 32-bit Windows program allowing instant overview of the processing of SETI@home work units. SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). Please go to, to download the free program that analyzes radio telescope data. Familiarize yourself with it, and come back here.

SETI MultiSpy is really useful in a local network environment where SETI units are being analyzed at several locations. It can be also used on a single machine when buffering software is used. It allows you to define all the places where a graphic text-only version of SETI client is working, and it offers continuous monitoring of the locations' status and progress. Its main purpose is to give a quick overview of processing while using a minimum of computer resources.

SETI MultiSpy will not show you the detailed information of every location. SETI Spy does that task, better. SETI MultiSpy will let you know the most important details from ALL locations at once.

SETI MultiSpy was originally written for my own use, and a friend encouraged me to make it publicly available.

How to use the program


Unpack and place the program in a folder of your choice. It doesn't have to be placed in any of SETI folders. After the first start of the program a window with an empty list is shown. Use the "Location/Add a location" option (or click the button or press <Ins> shortcut) to add all folders where Working Units (WU) analyzes take place. Note that you can also select network locations you have access to. Some typical locations are:

After you've defined at least one location the program is ready to use.


All locations defined in the program are displayed in the central grid, as show below: 

Each line shows details of one location. When a location is selected, its details (user info and working unit info) are shown in two panels below the grid.

The column of checkboxes
Specifies the activity of monitoring this location. It's common to disable monitoring locations on temporarily disconnected network computers.

The column of colorful bulbs
Gives a quick visual overview of the state of locations:
    no bulb - the specified folder (location) exists, but is empty (contains no files).
    - monitoring of this location is disabled.
    - a new WU is being downloaded.
    - a WU exists but has not been fully processed yet.
    - WU processing is done, and waiting for being sent.
    - a location is not available (folder removed, no rights or computer disconnected).

The % column
Shows the WU progress. A question mark is displayed until an analysis starts.

The WU column
Shows + when a work_unit.sah file has been found.

The Stt column
Shows + when a state.sah file has been found.

The Res column
Shows + when a result.sah file has been found.

The Last date column
Shows the last date that the status file (state.sah) was been updated by a SETI client.

Buttons and commands

or <Ins> - allows you to add a new location. If the new location is close to an existing, highlight the similar location in the grid, prior to adding the new one.

or <Shift+Del> - allows you to remove the currently-marked location.

or <F5> - allows you to manually refresh the information about all locations.

- terminates the program


Program settings are placed directly below the grid:

Spying enabled
Allows you to enable/disable program activity. Please note that individual locations can be enabled/disabled by using the grid checkboxes.

Poll interval (in seconds)
Allows you to specify how often an automatic check, of all locations, will be performed.

Download SETI MultiSpy

Current version:, 27 Feb 2003
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Webmaster: Mirek Wojtowicz


Last update: 27 Feb 2003